Ashok Kamte: A Tribute

Tribute to Maharashtra Police Officer Ashok Kamte

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ashok Kamte: Tribute to Maharashtra Police Officer

This is a tribute to this brave police officer who lost his life fighting terrorists in the November 2008 Mumbai Terrorist Attack.

During his distinguished career as an officer of the Indian Police Service, Mr Kamte went after criminals and stood up to corrupt politicians earning an unusual following of civilian fans, even a fan club page on the social network, Orkut. By various accounts, his peers and civilians knew him as an extraordinarily-brave, outstanding and honest officer.

This blogger is one such civilian who came away with a lasting impression from a meeting with Mr Kamte in August 2002. At the time, Mr Kamte was posted as the Deputy Commissioner of Police in the Zone 1 headquarters opposite the CST railway station in Mumbai and was about to be transferred to Sangli. His bodybuilder physique, recognition plaques on the wall from a UN posting in Bosnia, a no-nonsense gaze and the genuine interest in listening to grievances grabbed your attention and respect. In a department where hundreds of issues vie for an IPS officer's attention every day, he went out of his way to ensure justice.

You are invited to share your remembrances here and also update his biography on Wikipedia at Ashok Kamte.
